🤝 Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Do not use slurs, promote self-harm/suicide, build offensive/explicit structures, or harass other players or members.
🚫 Cheating is not allowed! This includes cheat clients, xray, fullbright, duplication exploits, and baritone.
🔨 We allow 1 exploit: Bedrock breakers. Using these will not result in punishment as long as you are only breaking bedrock. This includes access to the Nether roof.
💥 Do not grief other people's builds. This includes making unwanted modifications to others' structures with malicious intent.
🕒 Use good judgement when modifying someone else's build, especially in a permanent world.
🔒 If a player's build obstructs yours, DO NOT take it into your own hands. Open a ticket and let staff handle it.
🚨 No doxxing or real-life threats. Sharing personal information such as emails, phone numbers, names, addresses, or pictures without consent will result in an instant and permanent ban.
⛔ No lag machines or deliberate overuse of server resources. Keep large farms reasonable.
🔗 Do not promote other servers in the discord or in-game. This is considered harming the server and will be treated seriously.
🗣️ Please keep the chat in English, and avoid excessive swearing or spamming.
🛑 Do not send unsolicited messages to people in the discord server or harass them. Report such behavior to staff.
🎨 We do not appreciate AI-generated "art" or any generated images, videos, or audio. These will be removed if detected.
💰 Stealing is not allowed. Do not take other people's items.
⚠️ We disallow the use of certain farms: Raid farms and Trial Chamber farms.
🔑 Do not use seed-cracking programs or mods to find the server seed. Sharing the server seed is a major offense.